Thank you all for making the trip to Bloomington this past Sunday as we took part in the IUHPFL orientation for this summer! We are all very excited to get to know the Krefeld students better and provide a great summer experience for all.
While the parents were at their orientation, we had our own fun! We were able to break into our small groups (our support groups) and play some circumlocution games with each other to get the idea of what it will be like to be only speaking German in Krefeld this Summer.
Some other activities we did while parents were away:
- Played human bingo - while getting to know one another a little bit better
- German Taboo
- Opened up to our small groups about what situations we work best and worst in, goals, fears, and ideas for the Summer
- Heard from 5 IUHPFL Krefeld alumni and got to ask them any questions about the site
- Worked in 3 groups to find the best German words to represent Krefeld and then voted for the top words as our 'Krefeld Motto' :)
- Took a small walking tour of campus and took our first group photo outside
We hope that this experience made each child feel even more confident about their choice for the summer. It may have seemed like information overload, but it will all be worth it for an easy send off and an unforgettable summer in Krefeld!
Thanks again to all the parents and families for your support of your child in this process!
I am ready for this journey to begin! Who is with me!? :)