June 14th - our first full day in Krefeld!
We started things off with a bang @10am this morning - by having a scan-tron and listening comprehension test! I think the kids were really excited about that ;). The same test will be given at the end of the program and the data then will show how much their language skills have improved.
More action happened as we then explored the city as a group. The kids are finding their way around Krefeld for the first time. They are determining the best way to get from our school to the grocery store, or from their house to school, in their own way, making their own decisions and being independent. Of course, they may encounter a few wrong turns along the way, but this really forces them to learn the layout of their new (temporary) home. This is a great sign about this group of kids - learning lessons on day one, exercising their autonomy, pushing forward, and not giving up when something stands in their way. Blooming where you are planted is a great lesson to learn as a teenager!
After some free time either eating a packed lunch from the host families or purchasing something from the local bakeries, we all rode on the S-bahn (street car) to the Zoo. For many students this was their first street car/tram experience. All students were provided a public transportation card that allows them to travel through Krefeld and even all the way to Duesseldorf, without having to purchase any other ticket.
I've included some photos of some zoo animals as well as their German names. The zoo was well maintained and a meaningful mini-field trip. These types of group outings are really helping us get used to public transport travel, how best to function as a group of 34, and function in our smaller support groups. It is great practice for upcoming Berlin, Koeln, and Aachen excursions.
Here are Adrienne, Annie, and Elizabeth in front of the parrot cage (der Papagei). |
Die Kamele |
Das Nashorn |
Here are Sean, Eric, and Sean watching the Sea Lions (Seehuende). More later! -Joy |
hallo von Südkorea, Sean!
ReplyDeleteIt is, as always, wonderful to be a able to follow your time in Krefeld via this blog and those from previous years. Unfortunately I only stumbled across it today (July 7) but it's still nice to catch up with all of you.
ReplyDeleteI'm an IUHP Krefeld alum (1981, from Hammond HS) and promise every participant that this will change your lives in ways that you cannot imagine. Cheers and tschüß,
John Manzo
Calgary, Alberta, Canaada